Most of his questions assume the premise that the WT is "God's organization and channel of communication" and, by extention, that the interpretation of the "proof-texts" he cites is correct. He needs to provide evidence to support his extraordinary claims FIRST.
Ultimate Reality
JoinedPosts by Ultimate Reality
How would you answer these questions that came to me in an email through my website? ...
by AndersonsInfo inmany emails are sent to me through my website,
all are answered.
remember 1corinthians 6: 1-2 (i'll answer this question.
When was the significance of the year 1919 first stated?
by jwfacts in.
when was it first introduced that the watchtower organisation was chosen in 1919?
i expect this was something first published under rutherford, as a way of making his leadership more important than that of russell, but would like some evidence to back that claim up.. .
Ultimate Reality
Since things are usually "discerned" over time it may be difficult to determine when this decison was fully complete. However, I have found the August 1 & 15, 1930 Watchtower to be enlightening as it claims that prophecy could only be understood after the Lord came to his Temple in 1918.
These articles re-interpret the Terrible Image in Daniel and its various metals as being elements in "Satan's Organization" and claims that the then previously believed Adventist interpretation (with each section representing a world power) was inaccurate but it was to be expected because the correct interpretation could not be unkown until after 1918. Note that "great signs" were part of this process:
WT Aug. 1, 1930, Paragraph 45: "When the Lord came to his temple in 1918 greater light began to shine into the mind of each one of his devoted ones who have been brought into the temple. It was about 1925 that the faithful discerned the fact that the kingdom had begun and that Satan had been cast out of heaven and now must confine his operations to the earth. The two great signs or wonders in heaven appeared unto them and were then understood by God's people for the first time.
46: It therefore seems to be impossible that even the anointed of the Lord could have had a proper conception of the 'terrible image' of Daniel until after the coming of the Lord to his temple..."
1961 Kingdom Service Questions-Not to be studied at any meeting, nor placed in general circulation among the publishers!
by Atlantis in1961 kingdom service questions: personal references to watch tower publications on moral matters..this booklet is the property of the_____________________congregation.
it is to be retained in the congregation permanent file.
its counsel is for the guidance of the congregation committee in handling matters with members of the congregation.
Ultimate Reality
Thank you!
WT 4/15 GB: narcissism in high functioning individuals (big ego or severe disorder)
by Gorbatchov inthere is anonther topic about the new organizational sheet of the jw organisation.. it's nice to see the gb (=fds) on top of the earthly part of it.
read some interesting information about the.
severe disorder they must have:.
Ultimate Reality
Is there a full PDF of this magazine somewhere? I only see March on April.
the dumbest thing a CO ever said
by nowwhat? in"if it was'nt for the preaching work there would be millions more witnesses" - he was saying jehovah wants quality not quantity.. si i'm thinking, what's the difference as long as he has a people that live by bible standards and are moral.
maybe sharing their hope and faith with friends and relatives on a casual basis?
how backwards is that?.
Ultimate Reality
"The New System will most likely come before the year 2000."
This was said by a C.O. at a Circuit Assembly in the early 1990s after the Soviet Union fell. His last name was Cook...can't remember his first name.
Ultimate Reality
Is this actually the court's decision or are these copies of the proposed request with a possible ruling on November 8?
2012 Annual Meeting: MORE notes...
by Ultimate Reality infrom a reliable source...provides further confirmation on the gb's new status.
these are from the symposium part on the new light.. .
jeoff jackson - how is spiritual food prepared?.
Ultimate Reality
This makes an even bigger mess of Matthew 24, the Generation, and their continuing with a Parallel Dispensations model of interpretation. But it also means that their chronology based on 607 BCE + 2520 Years of Gentile Times = 1914 + the 1919 "appointment" will remain and become even more important once they put all this into print in the coming months.
2012 Annual Meeting: MORE notes...
by Ultimate Reality infrom a reliable source...provides further confirmation on the gb's new status.
these are from the symposium part on the new light.. .
jeoff jackson - how is spiritual food prepared?.
Ultimate Reality
From a reliable source...provides further confirmation on the GB's new status. These are from the Symposium part on the New Light.
Jeoff Jackson - How Is Spiritual Food Prepared?
2 principles; 1: Dan12:4 Always make continuous, careful search. 2:. 1Co r4:6, 'don't go beyond the things that are written'. Where do the ideas come from(always asked). There is no hole in the ceiling of the GB conference room! Receive reports from branchs, Zone, and other travelling overseers. Also the GB are constantly reading the bible personally. Others assist in writing. All editorial work is 'closely supervised' by GB. All GB read 2 or 3 times all the material before it is dispensed. Key Point- When an individual GB member submits an article, it is not spiritual food until it undergoes at least 70 steps. [In a later talk by Bro. Splane, he admitted that some of his articles after submission needed 'life support and some didn't make it'].Thereby no one member of GB can influence matters on his own. What if question about current understanding of a truth? GB assign brothers to research, then GB reconsider, pray about it. "No yes men on the GB". Robust discussion. "If GB can't all agree, matter put on hold. Some things are put on hold for years, until ALL are moved by HS!!" [Wonder what other things are in the 'pending file'. One brother at HQ said to me afterwards that there are quite a few! Who knows how long this knew thought on Matt24 was in the pending file??] Need to show courage to change our understanding of long held, sometime cherished beliefs. EG brothers with Xmas, cross and birthdays. Keep in mind that the truth hasn't changed, only our understanding of it!
Gerrit Losch- Which Channel Is Jehovah Using?
Mt 24:45-47 and Lu 12, uses the definite article tho' with reference to F&DS. Therefore is composite and does not apply to individual anointed ones nor to Gc. Other references in bible refer to individuals being slaves and stewards, but not THE slave/steward. Old thought was that F&DS were anointed at any given time from 33CE to now. However through the middle ages, no distinct knowledge as to who they were. Also because at 33 there were no GC we believed the 'domestics' had to be individual anointed. Is the F&DS 1900 yrs old? No! [The lecture to Gilead and branch schools about this has now been deleted].When you look at the context of Matt 24 all the events described are in the last days and the GT. The 'coming' referred to is the GT. Hence the F&DS only appeared and was appointed as such in the last days!
Do all the anointed share in providing food? - No! Reference to 'food' refers to preparing and originating spiritual food. The GB only, oversees spir feeding. Can't apply to anointed sisters living thousands of miles away. Besides, Bethel does not have a list of all anointed in world, only those in special fulltime service. Back in jerusalem the GB wouldn't have consulted with all the anointed living in various places throughout the Roman empire!
Guy Pearce- When Will These Things Be?
In view of Dan 12:4, expect changes in thinking! F&DS come into existence after 1914. Wheat and Weeds parable indicates be no slave class to dispense food (only be individual anointed ones who maintained their faith). The work of Russell & associates like that of the messenger in Ma13:1. But they not part of slave class. Old thought of messenger was 1914-18 based on jC cleaning temple 3 yrs after his anointing. However the bible lists 2 accounts of jC cleansing - one at the start and one at the end of his ministry. Hence the cleansing of God's people is ongoing. Mt 24:30,42,44 all refer to je's future 'coming' in judgment at the GT. Therefore the next verses that refer to the appointment of the F&DS is at - 1919 not 33ce!
Samuel Herd - Feeding ... ?
Pattern established with 'feeding' by je. Matt 14:14-21, .....YOU give them something to eat..." Same in later account in MT15:36. Pattern - jC to disciples to crowds. Lesson - jesus always fed the Many thru the Few! jesus always chose the few. He chose the 12 apostles, were imperfect. He was grooming them for a future office of oversight. Later used these men to serve as GB. Later used other men, Act 16:4,5. Blessed arrangement, till death of apostles who acted as a 'restraint'. Then apostasy flourished. During that time, no consistent channel existed. Only changed after 1914 when the 'growing season' ended. Now the 'harvest' time needed an organized channel to do the feeding. However, the same pattern - jC would feed the many thru the few!
Stephen Lett - Who Really Is the F&D Slave?
Question suggests that there would be a legitimate desire to know as to many confusing options. At 33CE no one would have need to raise the question, the answer was beyond doubt. There was simply a singular Christian entity that was performing miraculous signs and distributing spir food. However, from 1914 onwards, there were many imitation Christians. Who then would prove to be the F&D Slave?- Now the question was valid even crucial! Those within priestly class would prove to dispense food. Not all anointed are F&DS. New thought as to: F&DS - Small group of anointed Christians, living at Head Quarters, during Christ's presence, who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritualfood. Note- Individual members are not F&DS. Only when they work as a body are they such! Greek word is composite singular. Domestics - All who are fed spiritually. Originally from 1919 it was only anointed, later it includes the Great Crowd, also individual members of the GB. Belongings - All his belongings both heavenly and earthly. The verse does not limit the belongings to the earth. After the appointment of the F&DS in 1919, there would be a period of time to establish who is the slave class. Then they would be give ALL his belongings. This happens during the GT when the anointed go to heaven to receive their heavenly reward. Why does the verse seem to limit this to only the F&DS. It doesn't- jC was in this instance simply talking to the F&DS, hence the reference to them receiving 'ALL Belongings'. However by referring to such, he was not limiting the ALL Belongings to just the GB members, it was simply a case of who he was addressing at the time. Lu 22:28-30 is a promise to all faithful anointed.
David Splane - What Does All This Mean? Matt24:45-7 has no first century application. Apostles were dispensing spiritual food, but not as a F&DS. Slave is not 1900 yrs old. Russell's time- F&DS was being formed / taking shape. Illus- M.S approaching eldership, may do much of the work of an elder, but is not an elder until the appointment. Similar to Russell and associates, they were doing a feeding work, but the appointment as F&DS was later. This new understanding now truly dignifies the GC and unites them with the GB, as ALL need to be fed!! Remember - jah & jC are the source ofthe food. Don't getto hung up on individual members of GB.
Favourite saying of jeoff jackson- HI love coffee, I have my favourite cup. But ifthe cup gets broken- I won't stop drinking coffee"! If something happens to individual members of GB or they die - it won't stop us drinking at j's table.
2012 annual meeting notes
by lostinthought insorry for the wait guys.... .
part one.
moorse had the opening comments talked about historic annual meetings.. .
Ultimate Reality
As many of us have discussed over the past few years, they have been planning this and now it looks like New Light will be officially seen during the 2013 Service Year; as discussed in a post from 2009:
Paragraph three from the February 15, 2009 Watchtower in the article They "Keep Following The Lamb":
"Jesus has appointed the faithful and discreet slave "over his domestics ," that is, the individual members of the slave class..."
The WT has been redefining certain terms (like the "Slave" or "Generation"), which then causes a general confusion among members, and lastly the GB comes to the rescue with clarification. Usually over a period of months...or in this case years.
The GB must be deparate to concentrate their power and control and rid themselves of those pesky growing numbers of annointed who think they also have a direct line to God.
Who is Charles Sunutko...more
by Farkel insince there is renewed interest in the 1975 fiasco and one of it's main promoters, i discovered something interesting..
in the above thread blondie posted an except from an awake!
magazine article on old chuck s. in it, he stated he was born one year after his parents married in 1935, viz.
Ultimate Reality
I met him in 1998 and he was still alive, living in Southern California.